Babies require many things in their first year of life. Unfortunately some of them they may only use a handful of times, end up not liking or using at all. It is helpful to have a variety of baby things for the baby and your comfort, especially when you don’t know what your baby will like. However, the problem is that baby items are so expensive. Instead of buying everything new, there are many baby items you can get used or borrow from others. Follow this list for the best baby items to buy used or borrow.
For example, the best baby item I get used from a friend was the baby swing. Some say you do not need it, while others swear by a swing that it was the only thing that got them through their baby’s first year. So I wanted to have one, but I didn’t want to spend hundreds of dollars on it especially since I was not sure my baby would like it. Swings can cost between $200-$400 for a brand new one. In addition, a baby swing is something you potentially may only use for a few months before your baby grows out of it.

It ended up working out for me because my first baby hated the swing, so we didn’t use it hardly at all. Then my 2nd baby only liked it for a short period of time. I was glad I didn’t buy a new one, because I didn’t get much use out of it. The baby swing is one of those items that you don’t know if it will be a lifesaver or not because every baby is different. If your baby ends up loving it and it is what lets you sleep or keep your sanity, then it may be worth buying a nice new one. For a list of baby items that you don’t need to buy click here.
What Baby Items Are Safe to Buy Used
Is it safe to buy used baby items? It is safe to buy or borrow certain used items for your new baby. As with any product you are getting for your baby, you should look it over and ask yourself the following questions:
- Is this item in good shape?
- Could this object harm my baby or is it safe?
- Will this item work for me and/or my baby?
- Is this object a necessity?
- Will we get good use out of it?
- Is it worth it?
Baby Items to Buy Used or Borrow
Here is a list of items that are typically safe to buy used or borrow from those you know:
- Clothes
- Socks
- Shoes/booties
- Books
- Toys
- Baby Bath
- Swing
- Bouncer
- Bumbo
- Jumparoo
- Playmat
- Changing table
- Changing table pad
- High chair
- Baby carrier or wrap
- Stroller
- Diaper Bag
- Pumping machine
- Pumping parts
- Bottle drying rack/grass
Some of these items you may want to get new as that is a fun part of being a new parent. For instance, I wanted a new highchair as I knew I would use it a lot. Also, I knew I wanted to keep it for potential grandkids someday. In addition, I got my baby a couple new clothes and they got new 0-6 month clothes as gifts. Otherwise they wore used clothes since babies go through and grow through clothes so fast.
Items to Not Get Used or Borrow
Here are items that you should not buy used or borrow:
- Pacifiers
- Bottle nipples
- Car seats (unless you know and trust who you re getting it from and know the expiration date)
- Cribs (again unless you know and trust who you are getting it from and know the date it was made)
If you are unsure about an item that someone is letting you borrow or give you, don’t use it. Don’t feel bad about turning someone down who is offering you used baby items. Do what you feel right is for you and your baby.
Where to Find Cheap Used Baby Items
It can take some time to research but there are lots of places to get cheap baby items. There are online marketplaces through facebook, mom groups, and local marketplaces.

Next, check with your friends or family members if they have anything they want to get rid of if they recently had kids. Better yet, ask if you can borrow an item for a week or two to see if you and the baby like it. When I had my first baby I had some friends pass things down they didn’t need anymore. Some things I was sure to use, I bought from people I knew instead of buying brand new. I trusted the product because I knew who it came from.
Lastly, go to local garage/rummage sales or thrift stores. Where you live may have a 2nd chance baby store or an annual used baby sale event. Near me there is a used baby item event every year at a local school. It has everything from clothes to furniture to books and toys.
When to Start Shopping For a Baby
Around 2-3 months into your pregnancy is when you should start purchasing major items. It is ok to look before then, and I would actually recommend it. Start researching, get familiar with products, check with friends and family who recently had babies what they used, and start writing down your registry and baby item checklist. Check with friends who had a baby recently if you can borrow or buy used from them. This way when you are 12 weeks, you can start shopping for deals and watching for items to go on sale or be watching online marketplaces and garage sales.
Final Thoughts
There are some things you may think will work or be a lifesaver, but in the end they won’t be. It is hard to know beforehand, so start out with used or borrowed items until you know what you and your baby use. A baby is little for such a short period of time, save as much money as possible to use as they get older. Follow this list for baby items to buy used or borrow.
Let me know what you think of the list in the comments below. Is there anything you would swap in or out on the list?
For more on how to prepare for your baby check out my Ultimate Baby Planning Guide. Grab your free 30 item checklist below.
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