Do you want more money in your pocket? I am always looking for ways to save money. Some techniques I learned growing up or from my parents and others I have learned from my experiences as an adult. Either way I always try to be conscious about my money and to make each penny I spend worth it.

10 Easy Ways to Save Money
1.Buy less clothes. Do you really need everything in your closet? Most people don’t wear half the things in their closet. Lots of clothes and shoes we buy we only wear a handful of times, so the purchase wasn’t necessary. People aren’t going to notice if you wear things more often. Same thing goes for kids. I have an infant and it’s easy to go wild buying cute girl clothes, but when I think about the cost per time she wears it, it helps me to not buy as much. For instance if an outfit costs $10 – I want her to wear it at least 10 times so it only costs a $1 a time vs wearing only 4 times which would cost me $2.50 per wear. Especially when they are little they go through sizes so fast, they don’t need a ton of different outfits.
2. Buy generic products. Most of the time you can’t tell the difference between a name brand item and a generic brand item. They are often at least half the price of a name brand item.
3. Don’t buy drinks. When you go out to eat drink water. Soda, coffee, and juice are usually a couple dollars apiece when ordering them out. Drinking water is healthier too. Same with at home – try and drink mainly water – your body and wallet will thank you.
4. Recycle wrapping items. Keep wrapping items you receive like bags, bows, tissue paper, and boxes. These items can get costly especially around the holidays plus you save time not having to go out and buy them.
5. Sell things. Sell things when you are done with them – phones, electronics, furniture, toys, etc. Sell them right away while their value is high. Generally things depreciate the older they get. There are many ways to sell your stuff. Have a garage sale, put items on Craig’s list, Facebook Marketplace, Ebay, and Let Go.
6. Buy things used. Especially things you need but aren’t going to use often or only for a short time. Just make sure they are from trustworthy owners. Better yet, exchange things among friends and family. Sometimes we will post on Facebook if there is something simple/easy we need that sometimes others are looking to get rid of or sell and often we have multiple offers real quick.
7. Don’t throw away food. Eat your leftovers in the fridge – don’t let them go to waste. Make sure to use up items before they expire or go bad. Take home leftovers from restaurants.
8. Don’t go out to eat often. If you do go out to eat use a coupon or go when there is a deal. For example certain restaurants have days where kids eat free, or buy one get one deals. These are generally during the week. Also pack a lunch vs buying a lunch at work. Often this is a healthier option too.
9. Product research. Figure out where your products are the cheapest and stock up accordingly. For example my toilet bowl brushes are $1 at one store and $5 at another store so I bought 6 of them where they are a dollar because I go them once a year.
10. Pay your bills and credit cards on time. You will avoid late fees which is just throwing money away. Sometimes you can get a discount when you do autopay, pay in advance or pay all at once.
Hey Planning Mom!
I’ve compiled an in-depth list of restaurants that will feed kids for free or really cheap any day of the week. We are up to 163 deals. Your readers might enjoy this list. – Shawn
This is great – Thank You!
You are a smart girl. Mason taught you alot