Have you ever heard of the term a good Samaritan? How about where the term comes from – the good Samaritan parable? A good Samaritan is someone who shows support to others by providing assistance in an emergency situation.

Last week my pastor did a sermon on the good Samaritan parable. He talked about how a man got robbed and was left for dead. Both a priest and a Levite who saw him afterwards on the side of the road let the poor guy lay helpless. The two men who passed him by thought “Someone else will stop and help this guy. I am too busy and not equipped to help.” Then, the Samaritan came along and saw this man, and helped him by getting him a place to stay and money for food and medicine.
Reasons to Show Support to Others
Now certainly we hope we do not encounter someone else injured and in an emergency situation. However, it is our job as humans to lift each other up and show support to others in need. This could include when someone or their family member has a big negative event or an event that spans a longer period of time like the following:
- A long term illness like cancer
- An injury like from a car accident
- A surgery
- A death in the family
- Loss of a job
- A life changing event like a baby or a divorce
Scroll to the bottom of this post to get your free Showing Support Printable. On the other hand, it does not have to be a huge event in order to show support to others. It could be for small thing in that person’s life, a good luck wish after a bad day or just something nice to brighten their day.
In addition, a good practice is showing support to someone in appreciation for what they did for you. Furthermore, show support to someone else when you received support. A pay it forward act of kindness can go a long way. There will come a day when you need support yourself and at that time you will hope others jump in to assist.
Helping and showing support to others doesn’t have to be a large or day long task. There are many easy things you can do that only take 5-10 minutes.
Sometimes we want to help others, but we are not quite sure how or what to do so we just don’t do anything. I am sure you can think of a few people that you could support right now. Use my showing support printable to write down people you could support along with ideas of what you want to do for them. Scroll to the bottom of this post to get the print out. Be a good Samaritan and do not let an opportunity slip by to try one of these easy ways to show support to others.

12 Easy Ways to Show Support to Others
Start to show support to others today by trying one of these easy tasks.
1. Send/Give a Card
A greeting card with a positive note inside can go a long way and really make someone feel special and lift their spirits.
2. Give an Active Listening Ear
So often we get caught up in what we have to say and what is on our minds that we forget to just listen. Sometimes just being a listening ear for someone is all they need. Make eye contact and be attentive. Many times you don’t even need to respond or answer anything back.
3. Give a Treat/Snack With a Positive Note
Let someone know you are thinking about them with a fun note and a little treat or snack.
4. Get Someone a Coffee or a Beverage They Enjoy
Get the person something to drink and then visit and chat with them as you each enjoy your beverage.
5. Write a Note On a Post-It Note
An example could be writing down 3 things you love about this person or appreciate about this person. Then stick the post it in a fun place where the person will see it. There are lots of places to put the note like on a mirror, a desk, in a lunch bag, or on a car door.

6. Make a Meal
Help someone out by making them a meal. This is super helpful in many situations like when a person is not able to cook, or when a person does not have time to think about or prepare meals.
7. Give Flowers or a Plant
Nothing says you are thinking about a person more than flowers or a plant. Flowers or a plant are a bright sight for sore eyes and give a warm, fuzzy feeling knowing someone cares about you. It doesn’t have to be an expensive arrangement. There are many pretty bouquets reasonably priced.
8. Send an Email or Ecard
Just like sending a greeting card, and email or ecard expressing support and encouragement can show support to others.
9. Do a Physical Task for Someone Struggling
There are many options for physically showing support to others. This could include the following:
- Shovel their driveway and sidewalk
- Run their errands
- Clean their house
- Watch their kids
- Do their laundry
- Cut their grass
- Do some yard work
10. Write a Thank You Note
Write a thank you note or card telling someone all you appreciate about them.
11. Donate Items to Others
Donate things that are in good shape, but that you no longer use, to those that could use them. Instead of donating to those you don’t know, there are many people you do know that could use them. Check with friends and family that have kids younger than yours if they want clothes and toys your kids don’t use anymore. Leftover diapers, formula, and baby items come in handy for friends or coworkers who are having a baby. Maybe a niece/nephew or friend’s kids are going off to college or moving out and could use homewares or furniture you are looking to get rid of. Daycares, churches, and donation centers are also good options if there is no one else that could use your items.
12. Do a Pay It Forward Act
Do a pay it forward act for someone else at a coffee shop, restaurant, grocery store, or retail store. For instance leave money to get the person’s coffee behind you at Starbucks or leave $10.00 for the person behind you in the grocery store line. Even though you do not know them this will make their day and hopefully get them to do the same for the person behind them.
Final Thoughts On Showing Support to Others
It is important to show support to others and be a good Samaritan. Use your strengths and talents to show support to others. Do something that comes natural to you. For example, my strength is cooking and baking so I often show support to others by making food, treats, or meals.
It is the right thing to do to help out someone in need. They will appreciate your warm gesture. If you have ever been the recipient of support, you know the feeling and how necessary it is to stay afloat.
Get your Showing Support Printable in my free resource library by signing up below.
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