Do you forget things? Whether it be an item at the store, signing your kid’s permission slip, or bringing a book back to the church library – we all forget. We have so many things racing through our brain that trying to keep track of 50 things at one time makes it difficult to remember everything. Create a weekly tasks list to stop forgetting and stay organized.

Have you ever thought of something you need to do in a random place and then forgot about it when you were able to do it? The key to not forgetting is to write things down. Write out your weekly to-dos on a weekly task worksheet to plan out your week and increase productivity.
Why You Need a Weekly Tasks Schedule
I prefer to break up my tasks and plan and organize myself by week. A week is a good length of time and gives an opportunity to get things done without feeling the daily pressure. If I didn’t get it done today – I still have this week to complete the task.
Although, it does have a time limit of seven days to complete tasks so it still holds you accountable. A week’s time is just right to see and gauge where you are at with things, be productive, and keep track of the different parts of life. It is hard to remember everything going on for two weeks or a month. However, it is helpful to see and plan further out than a single day. Some days are super crazy and there isn’t time to do anything on my weekly tasks list. Then other days I have more holes and I can check more off my weekly task schedule.
Components of a Weekly Tasks Template
To plan and stay organized effectively, there should be different components to your weekly tasks list.

My weekly tasks template breaks the tasks into different categories based on different areas of your life. In addition, it has space to not forget items and to look ahead in planning for the next week. When used effectively, this weekly planning sheet becomes gold and the key to an organized life. Grab your weekly tasks list template here.
Week at a Glance
First, my weekly tasks worksheet includes a week at a glance section. I like to see what I have going on all week. Then I know what days are my busiest and which days I have a bit more time. Therefore, I can plan when I will clean, when I will run errands and shop, when I will meal prep, what days to have quick/easy dinners vs ones that need more prep and clean up time. Also, it helps me not forget events and plan around them.
This section is for the big, unusual things you have going on each day. It is not your normal daily routine items. This is not limited to, but could include special events like birthday parties, or school concerts; appointments like doctor and dentist appointments; meetings like at church or for committees; and family plans or vacations.
Home Tasks
Home tasks are items you need to complete at home. It could be maintenance to-dos, cleaning tasks, or things to gather/check/or bring to work or school the next day or week. When I spend a majority of my day at work, I think of things I need to do at home. Each day at home, I check my home tasks list to complete any urgent tasks, and prepare for work or school the next day.
Also, under home tasks I may write two or three things that are a priority to get done at home during that week. This is so I see them all week long and their importance for completing that week. If I see something each day, it helps me be productive to get that task done.
Work Tasks
Similar to home tasks, there are tasks or ideas that we think of for work while not at work. At night or on the weekend, I often think of ideas or tasks I need to do at work. So I simply jot them down under work tasks and the next time I am at work, I pull out my weekly tasks printable to remember things I thought of outside of work.
In addition, under work tasks I list my 2 or 3 big things that need to get done at work that week. This way I see them often and their high priority.
Life Tasks
Life tasks are those random things that consume our lives that have to get done one way or another. They include errands and shopping like getting groceries, oil changes, and doctor appointments. It could be a task related to a relationship, relative, or friend to contacting them by phone or email. Life tasks include items related to church, groups you belong to, committees, or personal things for yourself. Furthermore, holidays, birthdays, parties, funerals, and any event go under the life tasks bucket. Basically, it is things that fall under every aspect of your life that is not home, work, or immediate family.

Family Tasks
Here is where you list specific tasks you need to do related to individual immediate family members or those who live with you. This could include things you have to do for them, with them, or just related to them. It could be scheduling an appointment, getting a birthday gift, getting a specific clothing item they need or toiletry. In addition, it maybe something you need to talk to them about or help them with. It is a place to jot down notes anything you do not want to forget related to that specific family member.
Don’t Forget
The don’t forget section is a place to write down reminders of things you HAVE to remember. The key to not forgetting is to write it down. When you do a quick glance at your weekly tasks schedule this is an area you can quick glance at to make sure you do not forget something important and specific. If I prepare what I need for work or school the night before for the next day, there still is a chance I may forget it.
I often use this area if there is something I have to make sure I bring to work or one of my kids brings to school. It could be something I had forgotten the day or two before. In addition to writing it down, I put the item inside my car, near or in my work or school bag, or in my purse. If it is an item in the fridge or freezer, I leave this tasks list or a big note on top of my purse or work bag, or somewhere I know I will see it so I do not forget. Even when I put the item in my purse or work bag, I have still forgotten to get it out before. So that is why writing it on my weekly tasks list helps me remember when I see it under this section.
Next Week’s Tasks
When you are filling in your weekly tasks throughout the week you may think of something you specifically have to do next week. Also, you may be towards the end of the week and realize you can’t get everything done you had on your list. So then you may choose to move it to next week to complete. So when you make out next week’s list, check the next week box from the week prior to include anything you don’t want to forget to complete.
Updating Weekly Tasks Planner
It is important to start with a fresh weekly tasks worksheet each week and keep it updated. If you did not finish everything you had planned on doing that is ok. Add it to the next week’s task list so it stays on your radar. Move it to the top of the list so it stays a high priority.
Carry your weekly tasks list with you wherever you go. I keep mine in my purse. It travels with me to work, in the car, at a store, and at home. Then, I can jot down ideas whenever and wherever I think of them. Furthermore, I keep the sheet in my purse to always know where it is and don’t leave it at work or at home. It is a necessity for me and I rely on it daily. If I were to forget my weekly task worksheet, I would be lost.

There is a full sheet (8.5×11) version of the weekly tasks list if you want more space and to be more detailed. I use the full sheet. In addition, there is a half sheet available with all the components more compact. This fits well in a planner or small notebook if that is what you use. You can get both of these options HERE. The weekly tasks list is available to fill out and customize online and print or simply print and fill out. For more on how to create, use, and maintain task lists check out the Ultimate Guide to Task Lists for an easy to use resource.
Prioritizing Your Weekly Task Template
Often I have more on my weekly task list than I have time to complete. That is ok. I prioritize my list from most important tasks to least important. In addition, on Sunday when I prepare a new weekly agenda, I look at the previous week’s sheet. I add any incomplete tasks to the new sheet or if they are no longer necessary, I delete them.
Final Thoughts
A weekly tasks list is essential to an organized and productive week. Furthermore, it is a necessity to not forgetting anything for anyone in our busy and chaotic lives. Get your own customizable weekly tasks list below. I promise – it is a life changer!
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