Looking to make your kid’s birthday fun, special, and super memorable? Birthdays are a huge deal for kids and they want to feel special and be celebrated. Check out these simple and fun birthday traditions to help your kids remember their childhood birthdays forever.

As an adult, I can think back to all of my birthdays as a kid and how fun and special they were each year. My mom treated my birthday as anything but ordinary. She made me feel extra special on my birthday because of the simple and fun traditions. I am happy to pass these traditions on to my kids. There are a few easy traditions I have added as well. My goal each birthday is to make my kid feel on top of the world. Try these simple and fun birthday traditions with your family. Most ideas are cheap or free!
1. Decorate Bedroom Door
Decorate their bedroom door. Use happy birthday signs, balloons, streamers, cut outs, or whatever you have in the house. Incorporate the number of how old they are and their favorite colors.
2.Make Bathroom Mirror Signs
Growing up my mom always had a personalized happy birthday sign hanging on the bathroom mirror. The bathroom is one of the first places you go in the morning. It always greeted me on my birthday and made me feel special.
3. Decorate the House
Besides decorating their door, decorate other parts of the house. It does not have to be fancy or time consuming, but something they will enjoy. Use balloons, streamers, signs, cut outs, or other cheap and easy decorations. You can have a theme or use some of their favorite characters or things they like at that time. Personally, I would suggest not using confetti because it is such a hassle to clean up. Be creative and if they love something specific you did – make sure to do it each year. Kids remember and look forward to specific things once they have happened once.
4. Wear Birthday Memorabilia
Purchase or make a special birthday crown, sash, pin, or hat for them to wear all day.

5. Get a Birthday Chair Cover
At the dollar store I found a happy birthday chair cover and everyone in my family loves this fun birthday tradition. There is a pink and blue option. When my daughter was born I got a pink one for the girls in the house and the boys use the blue cover. How it works is the week of your birthday, the chair cover goes on the chair you sit in to eat. Makes eating meals at home extra fun on your birthday week.
6. Cook Their Favorite Dinner
One fun part of my birthday growing up was picking my favorite meal to eat. My mom would take my meal request and cook it for my birthday. I could pick whatever I wanted including sides. If we ate out on my birthday my mom would cook my birthday meal the day before or after.
7. Serve a Favorite Beverage
Not sure about you, but we have milk or water with dinner which is pretty boring. It is a fun birthday tradition for my kids to pick out their favorite beverage to drink on their birthday. At birthday dinner each person has a glass of the favorite beverage. Before we eat everyone around the table gives a toast to the birthday person.
8. Select the Car Music
On their birthday let the child pick what you listen to in the car. Let them control the radio, or pick their favorite album or songs.
9. VIP School Lunch
Bring your child their favorite meal or fast food to school and eat lunch with them. Surprise them with their favorite dessert as well.
10. Bring a Special Birthday Treat
Bring a birthday treat for the class and teachers to daycare or school. Let your birthday child select what to bring and have them help prepare it.

11. Visit Child at School or Daycare
Besides bringing a birthday treat, visit the child’s classroom on their birthday to help pass out the treat. Enjoy the treat with them and their friends. In addition, spend some time volunteering in the class on their birthday.
12. Make a Birthday Playlist
Make a fun birthday playlist of their favorite songs. Play them in the car, throughout the day, and during their birthday party.
13. Give Birthday Wishes
Have everyone in the house read their birthday wishes for the child and tell their favorite thing about them and favorite memory of them that year.
14. Exact Time Celebration
Depending on what time of day it is, do a special birthday dance or celebration at the exact time they were born. It is a fun birthday tradition to acknowledge and reminisce at the exact time they came into the world. For instance, I love when my dad tells me the story of his entrance into the hospital on the morning I was born.
15. Sing Happy Birthday
Something simple, but that can be forgotten, is singing Happy Birthday to your child. Put a candle in one of their favorite treats, light it, and sing to them. If they enjoy blowing out the candle let them do it again or even 3-4 times.

16. Make a Birthday Slideshow
Make a slideshow of your child’s past year putting pictures and/or videos together. Add their favorite songs to the slideshow. Furthermore, you could add videos from the family giving their birthday wishes to the birthday child. I love putting together my kids slide show each year and reminiscing on all the fun times and memories of the past year.
More Than For Kids
All of these simple and fun birthday traditions can be used for adults too! When your kids get older and are adults keep doing some of these birthday traditions. In addition to your kids, do these simple and fun birthday traditions with your spouse or partner and for yourself. As adults we want to feel special and celebrate our birthday just like kids. These ideas will make the day extra special and memorable as well.
Final Thoughts on Simple and Fun Birthday Traditions
A kid’s birthday is a special day for both the child and the parent. Celebrate the day with these simple and fun birthday traditions. Your child will hold on to these birthday memories forever and may pass them on to their own kids someday. Click HERE for fun kid activities to do on their birthday or any day.
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