Are you thinking of coming to Miller Park with kids? You might be wondering what are my kids going to do at a Brewers Game? And how do I keep them occupied for 2-3-4 hours? Besides, you might be thinking my kids do not like baseball. So how are they going to have fun and not be bored?
Fear no more and bring your kids to Miller Park because it is an exciting place full of many things to do. No kid will get bored with all the fun filled activities it has to offer. In fact, it has something for every kid, big or small.

We have been bringing our son to games since he was a baby. As a result, each season he can’t wait to come to games. Each year he has been into different activities too. So their is fun for all ages!
In general, Miller Park has a family friendly atmosphere and lots for kids to do. There are even family sections to sit in where alcohol is not permitted. They keep families in mind in much that they offer.
All of these items below are included in the ticket admission price. Going to Miller Park with kids does not have to be an expensive outing. For more tips on how to attend a sporting event on a budget click here. Now let’s get to the list.
List of things to do at Miller Park with Kids
- Tailgate in the parking lot. There are several large parking lots surrounding Miller Park where people tailgate before games. Especially when the weather is nice, it is fun to eat and play games in the lot before a game. You can enjoy any type of food you wish to bring. Although, lots of people bring a small grill and grill burgers, brats, hotdogs, or anything you want to grill. Sub sandwiches are popular as well. There is space behind or in front of cars to set your grill, chairs and games. Lots of people bring outside games to play like bean bag toss, ladder golf, or a ball and gloves for catch. It is a fun atmosphere to eat and play before going into the game.
- Play on the playground area outside home plate. There is a large playground outside of Miller Park behind the home plate entrance. It is a fun place to play and burn off some energy before entering the ballpark.
- Kids Zone. One of my favorite things to do with my son, and not just at Miller Park but of anything, is watch him in the kid zone. There are so many different activities for kids of all ages. There is a batting cage, pitching cage, big slide, hit off a tee, throwing stations, racing sausage replicas, timed base running, and multiple photo options. My son would literally spend the whole game in the kid zone if we let him.
- Get free baseball cards. Stop at any of the guest relations booths and ask for a free pack of baseball cards. There is a booth towards home plate on the first, second and fourth levels.
- Watch and cheer on the Sausages as they race in the middle of 6th inning. Right after the reading of the 50/50 raffle winning number comes the famous sausage race. The Brat, Polish, Italian, Hotdog and Chorizo race from just past 3rd base around on the warning track to past 1st base. The sausages are staple mascots of the Brewers and Miler Park.
- Meet the Racing Sausages. Not only should you watch the sausages race, but meet and take a picture with them. The sausages come in the concourse behind home plate several times before and during the game. After the race in the 6th inning they sometimes go by their own statues in the kid zone for a meet and greet. The sausages are always friendly and enjoy being with the fans.
- Do the Selig experience. In the left field corner in the second level is the Selig Experience. Bud Selig was instrumental in keeping the Brewers in Milwaukee during some rough years. He also was the Major league commissioner for many years. The Selig Experience includes a video in a small theater and a look at Bud’s old office.
- Play the Associated Bank virtual sausage race game. On the first level in between home plate and right field is Associated Banks stand which includes a 4 player virtual sausage race. You pick which sausage you want to be and the bank staff member sets you up. Then when the race starts you run in place on your letter as you watch your sausage on the tv. It is a fun, free, race that you can do as many times as you want.
- Get your first game certificate. If it is your child’s first game stop at guest relations for a first game certificate. It includes all kinds of information for you and your child to remember their first game.
- Take a break at the play area on terrace level. If your kids need a break during the game check out the play area on the terrance level behind home plate. It is a good little place to visit for kids to play and get out some energy.
- Attend a Sunday Brewer Game. If you really want to overload the fun come to Miller Park with kids on a Sunday. Sundays are kids day so it has additional kid bonuses besides everything listed above. From special treats to extra activities, Sundays really are about the kids.

Final Thoughts
There are so many fun things to do at Miller Park with kids. Whether your kid is 2 or 12 there are activities to satisfy all ages. The kid zone is an area you must visit. Next, meet and watch the racing sausages. Do not forget to stop and get your free souvenirs. Miller Park is the perfect place to bring a family and give everyone some fun memories.
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