Want to make your hospital stay and those first few days at home with a new baby smoother? Take care of a few tasks at home before leaving for the hospital. Your life will be easier at the hospital and when you get home. You will be glad you completed the following tasks before leaving for the hospital. Grab your free checklist of things to do before leaving for the hospital along with other labor and delivery prep items in the box above.
Items to Pack Before Leaving for the Hospital
Although your bag is probably packed, double check you have everything for the hospital. Add last minute or toiletry items into your bag that you were not able to pack several weeks back. For a complete hospital checklist for mom click here.

In addition to yourself, check you have everything for the baby. Also, ask your coach or partner if their bag is packed. For a list of what a new baby will need at the hospital click HERE. For a hospital checklist for dad click HERE.
Tasks to Complete at Home Before Giving Birth
If you are scheduled to be induced or have a c-section, you may have more time to complete a home checklist before leaving for the hospital. With the new baby excitement, certain items may slip your mind. Try to finish the checklist so your home is clutter free and organized when you return home.

Clean Up Your House
Ideally, it would be great to give your house a good cleaning before giving birth. If you are having a scheduled c-section or induction this may be easier to plan than the sudden onset of labor. Do the best you can or have your partner or older kids help clean the house. Another idea is to get a cleaning service to clean your house while you are at the hospital or near your due date.
In addition, do not leave any clutter or messes around your house. Everything should be in its place. When you come home with your new baby, you want to know where everything is and have space for all the new things you are going to come home with.
Toss Old or Spoiled Food
If you have old food in your fridge or leftovers you have been avoiding, throw it out. Clean out your fridge so you can quickly grab food when you need it and potentially have space for bottles or food people bring you. If you keep fruit on your counter or have anything sitting out on your kitchen counters, place it in the fridge or in the garbage.
In fact, if possible, make sure the fridge is stocked with good, healthy food and drinks for when you get home. Depending on how long you are going to be gone and what food you typically eat, stock the fridge with nutritious foods you can quickly grab and eat. For example, fruits that last and are easy to eat include apples, oranges/cuties, and grapes. Vegetables include broccoli, carrots, and tomatoes. Other easy to grab foods that last are yogurt and string cheese. Get some of these foods in your fridge before going to the hospital so you do not have to go to the grocery store first thing when getting home with your new baby.
In addition, stock your freezer with ready to go meals so you do not have to worry about cooking those first days at home with a new baby.
Take Out the Garbage
You do not want to come home to any bad smells. In addition, it will be nice to have an empty garbage when you get some so you do not have to worry about taking it out the first couple of days.
Complete Standard Going Away Procedures
Here are some standard going away procedures to complete before leaving for the hospital:
- Turn off any lights
- Unplug any small appliances
- Turn the heat/air conditioning down or off
- Lock all exterior doors and windows
- Adjust your window shades/drapes
- All laundry done and put away

Get Your Home Ready for Baby
Your home is probably already pretty well set up for a new baby. However, there may be some things not opened and ready to use. There may be some toys and boxes in the crib or on the changing table. You may have some plastic wrap on items or onesies, bottles and nuks that haven’t been washed. Have everything open and ready to use because you never know what you may quickly need those first few minutes at home with a new baby.
In addition, have the diapers, wipes, and diaper cream open and ready for your first change at home with your baby. For more on what to stock up on before the baby comes to make your life easier click here.
Who to Tell Before Leaving for the Hospital
You may not have anyone to tell, or you may have a few people to let know that it is time to have the baby. Some people like to share with a bunch of people they are going to the hospital while others like to keep it more of a secret and surprise. Although, sometimes there are people you need to let know for various reasons.
Here is a List of People You May Have to Tell You Are Going to Have the Baby:
- If there is an older sibling that needs child care contact the people who are caring for them as soon as you can. Let them know when they should be at your house or when someone will be dropping them off.
- Your supervisor at work. If labor does not start at work or you are going in for a c-section or induction let your supervisor know. In addition, let human resources know that your maternity leave is starting.
- A child’s teacher or daycare worker if they will not be attending while you are at the hospital.
- If you were meeting someone, or had an event planned let them know you are canceling or postponing.
Final Thoughts on Things to Do Before Leaving for the Hospital
Having a baby is exciting and nerve-wracking all at the same time. Plan ahead and prepare as much as possible in advance. Follow the checklist for what to do those final days and hours before giving birth. Feel good before leaving for the hospital knowing your house is all ready for a new baby.
For more on how to prepare for your baby check out my Ultimate Baby Planning Guide. Grab your free 30 item checklist below.
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