Our job is a huge part of our life. As a full-time working mom, I spend more time with my co-workers than I do my own family. Are you satisfied and fulfilled with your job or still searching for the perfect job? The perfect job for you 10-15 years ago may not be the perfect job for you now.
In fact, you could be ready for a career change. What you started out doing after college isn’t fun anymore. On the other hand you may want a new challenge. Maybe you feel stuck at a job with no room to move up or around to a new position. Motherhood could be leading you to a new job because your current job is time consuming and not flexible. So how do we find the perfect job to satisfy our professional desire and meet our family needs?

Here are a few things you can do to find the perfect job.
Do a Personal Assessment and Obtain the Appropriate Education
The job you got right out of college may not be a good fit for you anymore. When trying to find the perfect job first ask yourself the following questions:
- What are you good at?
- What kinds of things do love doing?
- What is my degree or what certifications do I have?
- Am I willing to go back to school or get the appropriate education I need?
- What is my background and experience?
Assess Your Priorities to Find the Perfect Job
When you got a job at age 21 or after college you might have just taken any job available. However, now you are at the stage in your life where the job alone does not necessarily determine the perfect job. You may have a home, built a life, have kids in school, etc so there are lots of factors to consider when searching for the perfect job.
Some factors may outweigh others and help narrow down the best job for you. Prioritize what is most important to you. Listed are various factors to consider when finding the perfect job:
- Job location
- Proximity to where you live
- Salary
- Benefits
- Vacation
- Perks
- Hours
- Flexibility
- Job duties
- Company
Tap Into Your Resources
Have you ever heard the phrase “It’s all who you know?” That is so true when it comes to finding the perfect job. It is incredibly difficult to get a dream job without any assistance or recommendations. Most open jobs have someone applying within the company or have a recommended outside candidate that knows someone within.
The advantage to knowing someone on the inside is you do not have to solely rely on your resume, first impression, and interview. A first impression is important, but you also have the reliable word from someone on the inside.
Keep an Updated LinkedIn Profile
LinkedIn is a great job seeking resource. Companies post jobs on LinkedIn all the time. They also view and seek out potential candidates on LinkedIn. It is like continually posting your resume to all kinds of jobs. Keep an updated LinkedIn profile to help you find the perfect job. You can get started with LinkedIn by clicking here.
Make a Great First Impression
Lastly, make your resume and cover letter stand out. It usually is the first impression a company will have of you. If you are interviewing or meeting someone about a job prepare in advance and leave a lasting first impression. Make sure to be yourself, but show why you are the best candidate.

So Close to Finding the Perfect Job
I have been working full time now for 13 years and still have not found the perfect job. Although, at one point I thought I had found it.
A women that job watches for me at her company contacted me. She told me a women was retiring in a position that she thought I would be interested in. I was overjoyed as it was my dream job so told her I was super interested. Finally, I thought after all these years, I would have my dream job. It was close to home, had great hours and flexibility, and would be doing a job I knew I would be great at and that I would love.
So I sent in my resume, cover letter, and applied for the position. The women ended up delaying her retirement so I kept in contact about the position for the next 11 months. Then the time came to start interviewing and I was a top candidate. I prepared with my inside contact what I should say and do. Then, I passed my phone interview and was so excited thinking about how my life would be when I started the perfect job.
The Dreaded News Arrives…
Then came the unexpected dreaded phone call. The head interviewer and potential supervisor called with awful news. He found out from human resources how much the job was going to pay. It was much less than he thought especially for this important of a position. When he told me the news my stomach dropped. In that moment I knew my search for finding the perfect job was not over. There was no way I could take this kind of pay cut. The pay wouldn’t even cover daycare costs while I work.
In the end, I was devastated this job was not going to work out. Here I had my dream job at my finger tips, but one aspect made it less than the perfect job for me. After a year of waiting on this job, I came up empty handed. Through this process I learned that the tips above are good tools and I will continue to search for my perfect job.
Final Thoughts on Finding the Perfect Job
We all want to find the perfect job. Your perfect job may change through the years. When trying to find your perfect job first figure out what you are good at and enjoy doing. Then get the appropriate education and prioritize job factors. Next, tap into who you know and how to get a foot in the door. Then keep an updated LinkedIn profile. Lastly, make a lasting first impression. Use these tips to find the perfect job and love what you do each day.
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