Are you looking for ways to find a good babysitter? Did you text all of the ones you usually use and they were all busy? Maybe your babysitter got older and went away to college. Did you move to a brand new city and just don’t know anyone who can watch your kids?
As parents there are times when we need someone else to watch our child(ren). It can be frustrating when we spend so much time looking for a babysitter. We need to find a good babysitter….and fast!
Do not panic! There are plenty of great options out there to watch your babies. You just have to tap into your resources and find them.

Here Are 7 Ways to Find a Good Babysitter:
- Family Members. If you have family members relatively close by, often times one of them would love to watch your kids. I actually get asked by family members if my husband and I can go out for an evening so they can come and watch our kids. Family members could include the kids’ grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, or even great aunts/uncles. Make sure to not take advantage of family members and pawn your kids off on them if they do not want them. Furthermore, even if a family member wants to watch your kids all the time, some of them may not accept payment. Instead, thank them other ways like a gift card, taking them out for dinner, a massage, movie tickets, or something else to treat them.
- Close Friends. Most likely if they are a close friend of yours they also know your kids. Ask if they would be interested in watching your kids. Give them the option of coming to your house or going by their house. If they have kids themselves that need babysitters you could switch off. For instance, every other month you take turns watching each others kids for a date night. It can be a triple win with a good babysitter, seeing your friends briefly and get some spouse alone time.
- Neighbors. Another great option to find a good babysitter is to have a neighbor girl or boy come over to watch your kids. This can be a great option because they are close so you don’t have to pick them up. Also, you likely know the babysitter already and their parents. Furthermore, if there is an emergency the babysitter’s parents are close by to assist (if they are home) or they likely know other neighbors close by who could help. Neighbor babysitters could range from middle school aged kids all the way to college and above adults.
- Coworkers’ Kids. Depending on where you work or how many people you work with, you could have a good babysitter candidate pool with coworkers’ kids. If you are unsure who has kids that babysit you can ask around to coworkers that have kids to find a good babysitter. They can give you recommendations on who they have used before and who is a good babysitter.
- Church Members. People you go to church with could be a way to find a good babysitter. You could ask around to different people you know at the church if they know of anyone who could babysit or check in with the middle school/high school teachers or leaders. Also, if you are looking for something specific, you could put the request in the church bulletin. This can be a good option because you and your kids may already know the babysitter well. Furthermore, they likely live somewhat close to you which is convenient.
- Post on Facebook. Find a good babysitter through your facebook friends. Be specific on what you are looking for. This could include babysitter age, location, days/times, and how many kids they would be watching and their ages. It is always good to get referrals from people you know.
- Post an Add at a Local College. Poor college kids are always looking for ways to earn money. They generally have a flexible schedule and can drive which makes it convenient for you.

Keep a Babysitter Contact List
Keep a babysitter contact list to stay organized with all the good (and not so good) babysitters you found. Click here for a FREE Babysitter Contact List to fill out with all your babysitters. It is helpful to keep a list of all the babysitters you have ever used. With the notes on this sheet you won’t forget who to contact first, their contact information and availability.
Keep all kinds of helpful details on this contact list. Cross out babysitters you do not want to come back. Write a small note by their name why you did not like them. If you have a babysitter you like and will call again write a note why you liked them. Another way to rate them is by smiley and frown faces. This way when you need a sitter you do not have to go through and think if you had them before and liked them or not. A quick glance at your list will remind you who to contact. Also, write down their phone number, email, and preferred method of communication.

Every time you have a potential new babysitter add them to your babysitter contact list. If a new neighbor moves in and mentions they have a high schooler that babysits write them down on your list. If a niece or nephew are ready to babysit note them on your sheet. This way when you run into a bind and need a babysitter you will have some new options to try.
Final Thoughts on Ways to Find a Good Babysitter
We all need good babysitters in our back pocket for expected and unexpected times when we need someone else to watch our kids. There are many good resources to tap into when you want to find a good babysitter. Whether it be family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, church, facebook or ads, there are lots of people who will love and care for your kids. You just have to know where to look for them:)
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